our service

fits makloon production

In addition to providing healthy and quality food and beverage products, we also provide the best product development solutions for your company or project with our food plant as the production unit. Inside our food plants we provide further facilities such as extruder, grinder, mixer and spray dryer to help execute the product development process 

What We Do?


Customers are entitled to use the machine with a max of 100 Kg/Shift/day. Preparation of Raw Materials, Methods and Formulations is carried out by the customer and informed to the production operator.


Customers get the rights to formulas, methods, and reviews of production results. The facilities that are being offered to the customers are trial production, method, formulations, review, design brand and packing, BPOM and Halal.


Preparation of raw materials, methods and formulations is carried out by the customer and is informed to the production operator and the customer gets a production report.


Preparation of raw materials, methods and formulations is carried out by the customer and is informed to the production operator and the customer gets a production report.